.. _introduction: ==================== Introduction to LASS ==================== .. sectionauthor:: Matt Windsor What is LASS? ============= `LASS` (the *Longevity Assured Site System*) is a Django project providing the framework for a website suitable for student radio stations. It was originally written to replace the University Radio York website (http://ury.org.uk), but is available under the GNU General Public Licence version 2 for inspection and adaptation in other sites and contexts. Technically, `LASS` refers only to the collection of applications that form the URY website codebase; the templates and static data that complement the Django code to form a full website are separate concerns. Why would I need LASS? ====================== LASS is provided in the hopes that it may be helpful in part or in whole to other amateur, community or student radio stations wishing to build a website, as a free software bundle of existing solutions to problems faced when URY built their website. It also obviously continues to be developed as the backend codebase for the URY site itself! (At time of writing.) As such, anyone is welcome to extend or help develop it. What is this documentation? =========================== This is the semi-automated documentation for LASS, which combines docstrings extracted from the actual LASS code with ancillary manual documentation written by humans. The aim is to serve as one centralised location for all information about LASS and how to use, extend and improve it. This document covers the integrated LASS project only; for the individual app documentation see the `URY project page `_ on ReadTheDocs. Is this the only documentation? =============================== This is the main source of documentation for LASS; in adherence to the Don't Repeat Yourself principle, most if not all of the documentation for the project is "baked in" as either docstrings or supporting files bundled with the project. However, this autodocumentation is admittedly likely to be lacking at the start of the project and may lag behind the knowledge of the LASS contributors. If you find that something is poorly documented, see :ref:`contributors` for details on how to contact the LASS contributors for assistance.